
Free Midday Stress Interrupter

Magically zap your Stress, Anxiety & Worries into oblivion by participating in playful, interactive games that combine Laughing, Breathing, and Movement. Enjoy Better Health, Increased Energy, New Friendships. And all for Free!

Evenementen in deze collectie

Geen komende evenementen

Volg Lynn Himmelman, Life Transformation Mentor om niets te missen

Dit heb je misschien gemist

  • Primaire afbeelding van FREE Mid-Day Stress Interrupter - June 4

    FREE Mid-Day Stress Interrupter - June 4

    vandaag om 12:15 EDT


  • Primaire afbeelding van FREE Mid-Day Stress Interrupter - May 21

    FREE Mid-Day Stress Interrupter - May 21

    Tue, May 21, 12:15 PM EDT


  • Primaire afbeelding van FREE Mid-Day Stress Interrupter - May 7

    FREE Mid-Day Stress Interrupter - May 7

    Tue, May 7, 12:15 PM EDT



Organisator van Free Midday Stress Interrupter
Lynn is a seasoned inspired laugher. She has been leading Laughter Yoga classes and training sessions for 18 years, bringing laughter to private businesses, government organizations, senior homes, schools, universities, hospitals, & non-profit organizations. She has been seen on CBC National News, Global TV News, Toronto Sun News, Rogers TV, The W Network, Yahoo Canada, Ryerson News, ThatChannel, and CTV-The Social and has been chosen 3 times by audience vote, as Toronto's Laughing Champion. Find her at: