
Secondary Parent to Parent: Building Connections

Join other secondary parents and a trained facilitator to discuss topics as related to the ages and stages of 6th -12th grade students. Discover techniques, tips and tricks to tackle common challenges and strengthen connections.

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  • Primaire afbeelding van Parent to Parent: Building Connections, Secondary

    Parent to Parent: Building Connections, Secondary

    Mon, May 13, 6:30 PM


  • Primaire afbeelding van Parent to Parent: Building Connections, Secondary

    Parent to Parent: Building Connections, Secondary

    Mon, Apr 8, 6:30 PM


  • Primaire afbeelding van Parent to Parent: Building Connections, Secondary

    Parent to Parent: Building Connections, Secondary

    Mon, Mar 11, 6:30 PM



Organisator van Secondary Parent to Parent: Building Connections
Our Mission: Collectively, with families, schools and community, CTC empowers youth by promoting mental health and preventing substance use.