Cross functional collaboration in customer journey management

Cross functional collaboration in customer journey management

Calling all product managers to a thought-provoking session where we aim to tackle the challenges you face in your day-to-day job.

By Hike One

Date and time

May 13 · 11pm - May 14 · 1am PDT



About this event

Cross funtional collaboration in customer journey management.

Customer journey management has been on the rise the past years. Where it was once an artifact used by designers in the digital teams, it has evolved to become a framework for organisations to organise their teams around.

From a customer-centric perspective this is a great development, however, it does come with some challenges:

  • Who's the owner of the customer journey? Is it a marketing tool, a CX team framework, or does the design team own it?
  • What about governance?
  • Is the journey used to inform the roadmap or is it still an artifact?
  • Do the journey teams live within marketing or product and how do they connect?
  • Does the journey need to be data-driven? And if yes, are you measuring the right things?

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