European RCE Meeting

European RCE Meeting

THE IMAGINATIVE POWER OF THE REGION. Learning for the Sustainable Development Goals together!

By SPARK the Movement, Leren voor Morgen


To be announced

About this event


Programme 8th of February

Click here to view the programme.

Programme 9th of February

10:00-12:00 (CET) - Discussing European Collaboration

• A message from the Ministry of Environment Japan

• Input from the RCE Service Centre

• Mapping of Community needs and wishes

“Ultimately, sustainability needs to emerge in the everyday fabric of life – in the minds of people and in the values they live by. Such emergence depends on how and what people learn, both individually and collectively”

– Arjen Wals (WUR / UNESCO Chair Holder Transformative Learning)

Dear all,

SPARK the Movement (RCE Fryslân) warmly invites you to the European RCE Meeting 22, taking place on the 8th and 9th of February. The meeting will be online, hosted from Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

On February 8th SPARK the Movement organizes a meeting with regional, national and European educationalists around the question: How can education support the transition to a sustainable society?

We do this with the conviction that sustainability needs to be a part of the ‘everyday fabric of life’, as mentioned by Arjen Wals in the quote above. The region seems to be the most suitable level to examine day-to-day life and business. But to bring sustainable, future-worthy change in the reality of everyday life, we need all the imaginative power we can get.

On February 8th we want to invite the participants to spark their imaginative powers, and to think with us about a new reality. We will be doing this on three levels: De attentively engaged human, the transformative school and the imaginative region.

Because we need and want to include everyone’s talents on this quest, we want to work with artists, scientists and craftsmen. We do this in order to connect head, heart and hands with each other, as well as connecting young and old.

On the 9th of February we will host a session from 10-12u (CET) exclusively for the European RCE’s to collectively discuss an enhanced collaboration and coordination within the European RCE Network.

We hope to see you all next February!

Kind regards,

Max Eisenbart, Lennie Qiu and Heleentje Swart

Organized by SPARK the Movement (RCE Fryslân) in cooperation with United Nations University, Leren voor Morgen, Vereniging Circulair Friesland and RUG|Campus Fryslân

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