Inner Connection & Personal Leadership - Purpose Driven People Skills

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Inner Connection & Personal Leadership - Purpose Driven People Skills

Identity is the most important pilar to improve your communication and leadership skills, your people skills!

By BioPartner

Date and time

Thursday, September 21, 2023 · 9am - 1pm CEST


BioPartner 5

De Limes 7 2342DH Oegstgeest Netherlands

About this event

This Personal Leadership Course is built on three focus areas:

  1. Inner connection. Feeling more freedom to be yourself. Deeper connection with your authenticity and your surroundings.
  2. Identity. Who am I? What is my value? Moving from my own values and vision.
  3. Personal leadership. Working purpose driven, create a win-win and for the greater good. Communication skills in the broad sense of the word

The course is given by Roeselien Wekker of Soul Story Academy. On day two, breath coach Kelvin Welling will be present during a part of the training.


This course consists of two half-day sessions:

  • Day 1: 21 September 2023, from 9:00 to 13:00
  • Day 2: 28 September 2023, from 9:00 to 13:00

By registering for this course, you automatically register for both training days.



During the first course day, we cover an extensive program around 'knowing who you are' regarding the inner connection between BODY, MIND & SOUL.

We work through breathwork and holistic -and (NLP) coaching:

  • (re)recognizing own connection;
  • identity;
  • personal and business values (from where do I move and make decisions?

We will also make a start describing our own vision and objective:

  • as a personal leader
  • professional
  • and as a collaborative partner part of a community

This personally written pitch / blueprint is the basis of what sets one in motion for any situation or ambition. This is taken to day two for the section 'Personal leadership' in which communication in the broad sense is a very important component.


Personal leadership involves a number of things, nicely described in the book "The 7 Habits of highly effective people' by Stephen Covey. What we at Soul Stories Academy find important is that every decision you make as an individual is always based on your own vision. A vision that is of value to the greater good. This means that in this half-day session we will work with:

  • To recognize the difference between what comes naturally and what you can still learn, such as: leader or follower? Reactive or passive? e.a.
  • Clear inner communication versus limiting beliefs.
  • Awareness of your own energy within the whole.
  • Important values from which you move for a win-win.
  • Distinguishing between what is important (has priority) and what can wait.
  • Continuing the pitch/ blueprint for each situation and each ambition.

An important part on this second day will be breath work guided by Kelvin Welling. We believe that breathing is the base of who you are and how you act and react!

About Soul Stories Academy

Specialist in purpose driven people skills

Soul Stories Academy is a unique company by Dutch entrepreneur Roeselien Wekker. In 2011 she started her company Pitch You, with which she was one of the first to put elevator pitch and sales pitching on the map.

After a career of over twenty years as a theater and television artist, she had seen what it takes to be 1. seen 2. heard and 3. understood. This became her core business to teach this to others.

By now, Roeselien has trained hundreds of professionals and teams in skills around identity, communication, personal development and leadership.

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