Let’s connect with your alma mater!

Let’s connect with your alma mater!

Meet fellow alumni from the University of Groningen, Leiden University, and Utrecht University

By University of Groningen | Ubbo Emmius Fund

Date and time

Sat, 16 Jan 2021 15:00 - 17:00 WIB


To be announced

About this event

We are happy to invite you to our first alumni meeting of the year 2021 in Taipei on Saturday, 16 January.

The University of Groningen is curious about your life after studying in the Netherlands and would like to know how your studies influenced your life, your careers and beyond. At this meeting we would like to connect you with fellow graduates and start a conversation to continue being a valuable partner in your life.

Christine will welcome you at 15:00 hrs. Naturally we would like you to see your connection with your alma mater so make sure you bring something visible that shows your university. We will take care of drinks and snacks at the venue - you just bring your memories and excitement to meet fellow Groningers and alumni from the Netherlands. At around 17:00 hrs we will conclude the meeting with wonderful new connections, great ideas and (maybe) new plans for our alumni community. And most important with a smile on your face.

We will share the location with you soon. In the meanwhile, please let us know that you are coming by registering via this link. We have capacity for 30 people - so, if you realise that you wont be able to join please let us know and we will give the seat to somebody else.

Kind regards,

on behalf of the alumni community Han-Ni Lin and Sunny Hsu

Patricia Poppendick and Christine Penninga-Lin,

University of Groningen










格羅寧恩大學在2020歲末,由學校校友關係暨募款處(Alumni Relations and

Fundraising Office)及幾位熱心的台灣校友協助下,成立了台灣校友會。藉此機





地點:創咖啡 台北市中山區民權東路三段60巷7號 (文湖線中山國中站步行3分鐘


報名連結: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/lets-connect-with-your-alma-mater-





格羅寧恩大學台灣校友會 Han-Ni Lin、Sunny Hsu

格羅寧恩大學校友關係暨募款處 Patricia Poppendick

格羅寧恩大學法學院 Christine Penninga-Lin林宜亭


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