MindTime® - Reframe the Way You Think

MindTime® - Reframe the Way You Think

Unlock better outcomes in your interactions with people! Learn how to Reframe your thinking to create positive dynamics in your life.

By MindTime

Date and time

February 6, 2023 · 9am - December 28, 2023 · 10:30am PST



Refund Policy

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Thinking styles basics

Your own thinking style

Thinking style's 2 dynamics

Practice reframing

Application of reframing

About this event

In this workshop, you will learn about the key factors that influence how people think and communicate.

We will explore the three perspectives that create all thinking and how they work together to create dynamics that can either propel or hinder individuals or teams. By visualizing how people’s thinking styles work as a system, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to reframe conversations and see the world through a different lens.

Not only will you learn a new skill, but you will also have the opportunity to practice and apply it to a wide range of areas in both your personal and professional life.

In 75 minutes you will expect to:

  • Reframe how you understand yourself
  • Think about the three perspectives that create all points of view
  • Maximize your unique value in your personal and professional life
  • Predict people’s behaviour using two simple dynamics
  • See your colleagues, friends, and family in a whole new light
  • Read the room effectively and quickly
  • Apply insights to your studies or career

MATERIALS: You will receive downloadable materials before and after the workshop (a workshop guide, exercise book, practice sheets, FAQ, etc)

Don’t love it? No problem, get your money back, (we’re all ears if you want to tell us why).

Frequently asked questions

Does knowing my Thinking Style help me communicate better with my colleagues, friends and family?

When everyone understands their own and other people’s Thinking Styles. Then there is a special kind of communication and energy released. Knowing where people are coming from and how it differs from your point of view, where you’re coming from, is invariably a great help in improving communications

Can Thinking Style explain people’s behaviors?

Not only does Thinking Style explain people’s behaviours it predicts them, and far more so than any personality test is able to. This is a scientific fact and well proven.

Does knowing my Thinking Style help me improve my academic performance?

Any information you can get that helps you to understand where your blocks are and how to work with them is going to help your academic performance. MindTime shows you what you need to do to actually improve things.

Can I change my Thinking Style?

A person’s Thinking Style does not seem to change over time. We sharpen it. We evolve our ability to use self-discipline and perform tasks we might otherwise avoid. But, actually change our survival system? No, a leopard doesn't change its spots.

Does knowing my Thinking Style help my career?

It certainly can. It follows that knowing a whole new way of thinking about yourself and how you interact with people is a bit like being able to read. It’s a language of understanding and infinitely more valuable.

How do I apply what I learned about myself from my Thinking Style report in my job?

You’ll use it to build confidence in yourself and others that you bring a certain value because you can explain it. It will help you explain to others why you approach tasks the way you do. You’ll negotiate with others in meetings and interviews from a place of knowing what others need and why.

Can my Thinking Style result predict my job performance?

They can certainly predict whether you are likely to fit in a given job, and therefore how likely it is that you will perform well.

Organized by

Revolutionize your understanding of human thinking and behavior with our scientifically-backed MindTime framework.

Our workshops teach you to reframe your thinking for more effective communication, collaboration, and productivity. Learn how to understand people, identify their drivers and foster inclusive, collaborative relationships.

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