Net Zero Value Chains

Net Zero Value Chains

Join our event at NY Climate Week and explore innovative solutions for tackling Scope 3 emissions and driving sustainable change.

By Value Change Initiative

Date and time

Wednesday, September 25 · 3 - 6pm EDT


ILA Penthouse & Rooftop Garden

253 West 28th Street #FL 7 New York, NY 10001

About this event

  • 3 hours

Step into the forefront of scope 3 during New York Climate Week with our VCI event. Scope 3 emissions make up a whopping 99% of a company's carbon footprint in certain sectors, making them impossible to ignore. As the race towards Net Zero heats up globally, tackling them has become a make-or-break mission for businesses striving for sustainability.

But navigating the labyrinth of Scope 3 emissions requires innovative solutions, collaborative efforts, and credible reporting to make a real dent in emissions reduction. That's where the Value Change Initiative comes in. Since our inception, we've been dedicated to untangling the complexities of Scope 3 emissions, paving the way for actionable strategies and impactful change.

Mark your calendars because, during New York Climate Week, we're back with the third edition of our events, bringing together industry leaders and experts ready to take on the Scope 3 challenge head-on. Get ready to dive deep into the journeys of decarbonization with the latest updates on reporting and accounting and firsthand insights from pioneers in the field. They'll share not only their successes but also the hard-earned lessons and innovative approaches that are shaping the future of sustainability.

Don't miss this chance to join the conversation, exchange ideas, and collectively pave the way for a credible, greener, and more sustainable future. Let's turn the tide on Scope 3 emissions together!

Speakers and agenda to be announced.

About the Value Change Initiative

Making Net-Zero Value Chains Possible.

The Value Change Initiative is a peer-to-peer learning forum bringing together 100+ climate experts developing solutions to achieve value chain emission reductions and removals.  

Co-founded by SustainCERT and Gold Standard, the VCI brings together leading corporate actors, civil society, and internationally recognized frameworks, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the Science Based Targets Initiative, to co-create best practice guidance and tools to address and account for Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions up and down value chains. 

Learn more about us here

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