NL MWC & 4YFN Post Event Recap and Sustainability at Eurofiber

NL MWC & 4YFN Post Event Recap and Sustainability at Eurofiber

NL MWC and 4YFN Post Event

By Ecosystem Services

Date and time

Thu, 20 Jun 2024 12:30 - 18:00 CEST


Eurofiber Nederland B.V.

25-31 Safariweg 3605 MA Maarssen Netherlands

About this event

  • 5 hours 30 minutes

We like to warmly invite you to our post NL MWC Barcelona event that will be held on 20 June at Eurofiber Nederland

25-31 Safariweg,
3605 MA Maarssen

Expect networking opportunities, looking back at MWC 24, lessons learned, key take outs from MWC24, what to expect for MWC 2025 and how to join. Also expect keynotes from partner companies. Specific attention will be given to the theme of sustainability.

Please register to let us know you will join.

NLMWC team and Eurofiber

We are pleased to present the tentative program below. Note that it is subject to change.

12:30 - Walking in

13:00 - Welcome by Paul Naastepad - Managing Director Eurofiber Netherlands

13:15 - After movie MWC24

13:17 - Looking back at MWC24 by Anke Kuipers and Mark Beermann

13:30 - Media partner update from Luteijn Media and Telecom Paper

13.45 - Exposure MWC Eurofiber - Hans den Heijer 

13:55 - Audience Analysis MWC24 by Tom Bonello, Sponsorship director GSMA

14:00 - Topsector ICT / FNS update - Tijs Koops

14:15 - Private Networking Mainports Knowledge Mission Tour update
by Koen Mioulet | ULWIMO

14:25 - Participant at knowledge mission tour Private Networks

14.30 - Coffee Break

14.45 - Sustainability Knowledge Mission Tour - Tieneke Breemhaar

15.00 - Jeroen Kanselaar en Danielle Turmel, looking forward to MWC25 with Tieneke Breemhaar

15.15 - Quantum netwerken at Port of Rotterdam - Oscar van Veen

15:30 - 4YFN experiences of participating startups Whispp, Odd bot, and more

15:45 - Looking forward to MWC25 program and how you can join

16:00 - Start networking drinks

17:00 - The end

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