People Day 2019

People Day 2019

Annual event for all employees that work within the unit Industry at TNO


Date and time

Mon, 25 Nov 2019 14:00 - 21:00 CET



Jaarbeursplein 3521 AL Utrecht Netherlands

About this event

Dear colleague,

I cordially invite you to attend the second edition of People Day of the Unit Industry.

I have been told that in 2018 we had a great festive kick-off of our unit. This time the goal is to get more connected with the content of our work and to have it integrated in this year’s program. Besides the presentation of our annual plan 2020, Christa Hooijer, our new Director of Science, will speech about Science. I also would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as your new managing director. And last but not least we invited Paul Iske, professor Open Innovation & Business Venturing at the University of Maastricht, for a very interesting keynote. During the second part of People Day you are also more than welcome to visit our innovative demo square. This demo square contains different kinds of demonstrations of several departments within the Unit Industry and a number of workshops. All will be accompanied by Industry colleagues. We will end the day with a pleasant get-together with food and drinks.

Please register for this event, get inspired and make connections with your colleagues.


- 14:00 Welcome

- 14:30 Start program

- 18:00 Dinner + music

- 20.30 Ending

We assume that you will come to the Jaarbeurs by public transportation. If you still need to come by car and want a parking ticket, please let us know. If there are specific dietary requirements, we would like to hear that too. For these requests you can contact Sara Joosten(

I look forward to meet you at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht on the 25th of November 2019 at 2 p.m. If you are not able to be present, we would appreciate it if you inform your supervisor of your absence.

Being new at TNO I really hope to see you all,

Kind regards.

Arnaud de Jong

Organised by

TNO is een onafhankelijke onderzoeksorganisatie. Wij geloven in gezamenlijke creatie van waarde in maatschappelijke én economische termen. Wij richten ons op innovaties voor negen domeinen:


  1. Bouw, Infra & Maritiem: ‘Robuuste constructies én duurzaam gebruik’
  2. Milieu: ‘Verduurzaming richting geven en versnellen’
  3. Defensie en veiligheid: ‘Wij zetten onze kennis en technologie in voor veiligheid’
  4. Energie: ‘Versneld naar een duurzame energievoorziening’
  5. Gezond leven: ‘Gezond werken en leven bevorderen’
  6. Industrie: ‘Innoveren voor werkgelegenheid, welvaart en welzijn’
  7. Informatie & Communicatie Technologie: ‘Digitale transformatie duiden en versnellen’
  8. Mobiliteit & Logistiek: 'Realiseren van leefbare en duurzame steden'
  9. Strategische Analyses & Beleid: 'Complexe vraagstukken omzetten in concrete innovaties'

Doelgericht innoveren, dat is waar TNO voor staat. We ontwikkelen kennis niet om de kennis, maar om de praktische toepassing.

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