Workshop "Random motion in random media"

Workshop "Random motion in random media"

By Eurandom

Date and time

March 30, 2015 · 9am - April 2, 2015 · 5pm CEST


Stichting Eurandom

2 Den Dolech 5612 AZ Eindhoven Netherlands


The study of random motion in random media has been the object of intensive mathematical research over the last forty year. The main motivations originally came from applied fields such as condensed matter, biochemistry and more recently computer science. In the last decade, significant progress have been made and new techniques and research lines have been introduced. This workshop brings together leading researchers from different mathematical schools. The primary goal is to offer an environment fostering the exchange of the most recent ideas, and to highlight the current state of the art in this field. The
main emphasis is on random motion in static and dynamic random environments, random motion among random conductances and on random graphs.

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