
Green Pages: library workshops for a greener world

In-person workshops across our public libraries. promoting environmental sustainability and awareness around the circular economy principles of reducing, reusing, repairing, and recycling.

Evenementen in deze collectie

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Dit heb je misschien gemist

  • Primaire afbeelding van Sewing Skills Workshop at Bishopton Library

    Sewing Skills Workshop at Bishopton Library

    Thu, Mar 14, 2:30 PM


  • Primaire afbeelding van Sewing Skills Workshop at Linwood Library

    Sewing Skills Workshop at Linwood Library

    Wed, Mar 13, 2:30 PM


  • Primaire afbeelding van Sewing Skills Workshop at Ferguslie Library

    Sewing Skills Workshop at Ferguslie Library

    Thu, Mar 7, 2:30 PM



Organisator van Green Pages: library workshops for a greener world