
Luma x20 Technical Training

This 4-hour session will help you get comfortable with the new line of Luma X20 cameras. You'll become familiar with choosing the best luma camera for the job, installing cameras and setting them up using OvrC.

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  • Primaire afbeelding van Luma X20 Technical Training - Eden Prairie

    Luma X20 Technical Training - Eden Prairie

    Tue, Jun 13, 8:00 AM


  • Primaire afbeelding van Luma X20 Technical Training - Denver, CO

    Luma X20 Technical Training - Denver, CO

    Thu, Mar 30, 8:00 AM


  • Primaire afbeelding van Luma X20 Technical Training - Troy, MI

    Luma X20 Technical Training - Troy, MI



Organisator van Luma x20 Technical Training