Online Dialogue

We optimize your (online) conversion

We see “validation in every organization” as our mission and it is our job to help our customers in making better and faster decisions. To fulfill our job, we make use of (web) data and psychology in combination with business consultancy and change management. Together with our customers we are looking at sales funnels, customer journeys, customer behavior and company culture. 

We have been doing all this for almost ten years to improve conversion rates for websites and mobile devices. We are a niche player since we are only focusing on optimization and behavior and because of this focus we are specialists in the marketplace. We do not perform other marketing activities like SEA and SEO and we are often considered as Thought Leader in the field of Validation. 

We have been organizing events like Conversion Hotel (a three-day conference on Texel), Dialogue Donderdag (inspiration sessions for customers) and Digital Data Tuesday Tips (knowledge sessions for professionals). 

More information in English:

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Primaire afbeelding van Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Thu, Oct 1, 3:30 PM GMT+2


Primaire afbeelding van Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Thu, Oct 1, 3:30 PM GMT+2


We optimize your (online) conversion

We see “validation in every organization” as our mission and it is our job to help our customers in making better and faster decisions. To fulfill our job, we make use of (web) data and psychology in combination with business consultancy and change management. Together with our customers we are looking at sales funnels, customer journeys, customer behavior and company culture. 

We have been doing all this for almost ten years to improve conversion rates for websites and mobile devices. We are a niche player since we are only focusing on optimization and behavior and because of this focus we are specialists in the marketplace. We do not perform other marketing activities like SEA and SEO and we are often considered as Thought Leader in the field of Validation. 

We have been organizing events like Conversion Hotel (a three-day conference on Texel), Dialogue Donderdag (inspiration sessions for customers) and Digital Data Tuesday Tips (knowledge sessions for professionals). 

More information in English:


Helaas, er zijn geen komende evenementen
Primaire afbeelding van Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Thu, Oct 1, 3:30 PM GMT+2


Primaire afbeelding van Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Online Psychologie meetup: Falen en Stralen in CRO – 1 oktober 2020

Thu, Oct 1, 3:30 PM GMT+2
