Crazy Monkey Movement - Training

Crazy Monkey Movement - Training

ICK Dans Amsterdam is initiating a new training program by and from Crazy Monkey Movement for professional movers.

Door ICK Dans Amsterdam

Datum en tijd selecteren

don, 23 mei 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST


Space for Dance Art (Westbeat)

Rijnlandlaan 3 1062 MX Amsterdam Netherlands

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Eventbrite-kosten zijn niet restitueerbaar.

Over dit evenement

ICK Dans Amsterdam is introducing a new training by and from Crazy Monkey Movement as a warm-up and an open class for professional movers in April and May 2024. The open class will take place twice a month on Thursday mornings: 19 April, 7 May and 23 May.

The training is specially created for the morning warm-up for ICK dancers and will be a parkour through the Westbeat building, a cross road of various practices including floor work, inversions, strength & conditioning and partner work.

Price: €15,00 p/class p/p
Time: 10:00h - 11:15h

ICK Dans Amsterdam /
Rijnlandlaan 3
1062MX Amsterdam


About Crazy Monkey Movement

Crazy Monkey Movement is Europe's first and Amsterdams' only dedicated movement school.

A driving force behind Movement Culture, supporting practitioners all around the world. Engage in high-quality movement education to transform your perspective. Join the community today and reap the benefits for the rest of your life.

What makes movement unique ?

Movement is an amazing tool for brain and body development. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked in today’s culture, which is characterized by a sedentary lifestyle. Chronic disease, injury, and unhappiness can be the result. At Crazy Monkey, we help individuals overcome this issue by introducing movement and play into their daily lives. You will learn to incorporate movement into your everyday life to maintain mobility, strength, and health.

We also aspire to more than just addressing the need for movement. Humans are creative beings with remarkable adaptability and learning capacity. We can acquire new skills, collaborate, manage our emotions, and explore our inner lives. Our practice seeks to foster this potential, elevating our consciousness beyond its current level.

To practice these two aspects, we have developed a comprehensive approach that is suitable for all levels. You will learn floorwork, inversions, strength and conditioning, partner work, coordination, and more. No prior experience or expertise is necessary, just bring your curiosity and enthusiasm.

< website Crazy Monkey Movement >

Georganiseerd door

ICK Dans Amsterdam is een internationaal gezelschap voor hedendaagse dans, onder leiding van Emio Greco en Pieter C. Scholten, gevestigd in Amsterdam. ICK presenteert met het ensemble van dansers uit de hele wereld meer dan 100 spraakmakende voorstellingen per jaar in binnen- en buitenland. Greco en Scholten bouwen doelbewust aan een organisatie die de zoektocht naar het Intuïtieve Lichaam ondersteunt vanuit drie perspectieven: dans, creatie en onderzoek. De organisatie bestaat daarom uit de Company, de Artist Space (productiehuis voor nieuwe makers) en de Academy (onderwijs & onderzoek). In de Space for Dance Art, de residentie van ICK, worden workshops, lezingen, installaties en voorstellingen gepresenteerd.