ESI Live

ESI Live

Door Expat Spouses Initiative

Datum en tijd

din, 29 nov. 2016 13:00 - 16:30 CET


Igluu Eindhoven

32 Lichttoren 5611 BJ Eindhoven Netherlands

Beleid voor refunds

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About ESI
Expat Spouses Initiative (ESI) connects internationals with professional opportunities in a community-driven way. On a global scale, our mission is to enable employee mobility by building communities and redefining what it means to be an international resident of a place.

ESI Live - Connections are the future.

At this first ever ESI Live CV event, we turn traditional recruitment upside down: Instead of candidates presenting their CVs to a company, we let the companies come to see our candidates. But these are not just any candidates - they are strong international people who we’ve selected and nurtured based on their potential and their drive to succeed in an international environment.


What if we could refer talented internationals who would be a good match for your company based on our own personal experience? Well actually, we can. Over the past few months, we’ve been working with our candidates in our Professional Empowerment Program, preparing them to “launch” at ESI Live. At the event, you and your company’s HR and recruitment departments as well as specific department leads can meet the most sought-after international talent in the region, and make connections not only with internationals but with your peers within the new local global community. In 3.5 hours, you’ll have accomplished the equivalent of weeks of work, and been inspired in the process!

Are you curious? Want to see what the future of recruitment in an increasingly globally-connected world looks like? Join us at the Evoluon on November 29th.


The afternoon will be a dynamic mix of candidate “pitches”, words by ESI partner companies ASML, EY, and HighTechXL, speed dating, and conversations between companies about issues relevant to them.

13:00 Registration and coffee
13:30 Introduction to ESI Live by Kate Brunton, CBDO
13:40 Keynote speech by Guus Frericks, CEO HighTechXL (Topic: “The importance of becoming international in the face a changing Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and the world”)
13:55 Candidate Pitches
14:10 Address by ASML, followed by peer-to-peer discussion on current HR- and industry-related issues
14:40 BREAK
15:00 Candidate Pitches
15:15 Short address from EY
15:25 Candidate Pitches
15:40 Functional speed dating (30 minutes)
16:10 Closing by Kavitha Varathan, CEO
16:20 Networking and drinks

Benefits for You

  • Referrals are almost always more efficient (and worthwhile) than conducting a widespread search for candidates. What if we could say that we could refer people who would be a good match for your company based on personal experience? Well actually, we can.

  • Diversity is key: If organizations are going to stay afloat in the coming years, they’ll need to arm themselves with a strong international team that can help them prepare for the challenges ahead. What if we told you that all the international talent you’re looking for is right here, in your own region?

  • In 3.5 hours, you’ll have accomplished the equivalent of weeks of work, and been inspired in the process!


What if I Want to Hire a Candidate I Meet at ESI Live?

We enable valuable connections between people through referral based on personal experience. We charge a flat-rate “connecting fee” for this service of 5,000€ (variable based on the experience level of the vacancy or position in the company*).

*3,000€ ~ Entry-level position (0-2 years experience)
5,000€ ~ Mid-level position (2-10 years experience)
8,000€ ~ Senior-level positions (10+ years experience)

Part of this fee is reinvested and goes toward the professional development of the international spouses in our community. Through your support, we can enable opportunities for individual spouses, and maintain the pool of highly-skilled, highly-educated international talent in the region.

Georganiseerd door

Expat Spouses Initiative is a bottom-up community-driven movement that focuses on helping international accompanying partners and spouses to professionally integrate in the Netherlands.

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