Pop-up restaurant Warmoes x World Trade Center x Dynamo

Pop-up restaurant Warmoes x World Trade Center x Dynamo

Come and dine with your colleagues, partner or friends in this unique pop-up restaurant of ROC Amsterdam.

Door BeSo

Datum en tijd

don, 7 dec. 2023 17:30 - 20:30 CET


World Trade Center (Amsterdam)

Zuidplein 1077 XV Amsterdam Netherlands

Beleid voor refunds

Neem contact op met de organisator om een restitutie aan te vragen.
Eventbrite-kosten zijn niet restitueerbaar.

Over dit evenement

Come and dine with your colleagues, partner or friends in this unique pop-up restaurant of ROC Amsterdam and make a positive contribution to a group of vulnerable local residents between the ages of 70 and 85. It will be a beautiful evening in these dark days before Christmas


Location: Restaurant left from STACH Zuidplein (follow the Socialclub banners)


020 – 728 47 00

  • Do you have any special dietary preferences or a food allergy? If so, please contact us via email.

  • If you're purchasing a ticket independently but would like to join your colleagues or friends, please email us with the table you'd like to join so that we can create an additional seat.

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