TNW Coaching Hours | Sales

TNW Coaching Hours | Sales

One-on-one coaching by industry leaders and experts

Door The Next Women

Datum en tijd

vri, 17 dec. 2021 15:00 - 17:00 CET


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Over dit evenement


Every month, The Next Women connects you with great experts from our community. During the Coaching Hours you have the change to sit down 1 on 1 with the amazing experts from TheNextWomen network.

Ask all your questions regarding marketing, strategy, growth, leadership and sales and get the answers you are looking for. Have four of your regular "cups of coffee" in one afternoon.

Talk to the best in the business - TheNextWomen100, investors, Chief-level executives - and they will happily help you find the right solution to the problem that's holding you back. Next to the 1 on 1's you'll have the change to pitch in front of peers and experts and network with a group of ambitious women.

During Coaching Hours you sign up for a 50 minute conversation with the expert of your choice. We always aim to have you speak to at least 1 coach per session.

Schedule | DECEMBER 17

15:00 - Welcome

15:05 – First round of 1-on-1 talks with expert

15:55 – Break

16:05 - Second round 1-on-1 talks with expert

17.00 - End

Experts | DECEMBER 17


Topic | SALES

Ask any businesswoman which is more important, their product or how it’s sold, and you’re likely to get a long explanation on why product takes the cake any day of the week. They are not wrong. You don’t have a business if there was nothing to sell.

But, as we enter an era of hypercompetition, how we sell has become at least as important, if not more important. than the product itself. There is barely any industry that isn’t exploding with products and/or services. From healthcare to IT to eateries, we are swamped with endless options. A simple search for SaaS companies in Crunchbase alone returns over 9,600 hits!

And that’s only a tiny fraction of the total number of vendors out there. Being outcompeted and cash-flow problems are the main reasons cited by companies that fail in cannot survive their first few years.

People in sales are acutely aware of both those challenges and many more. They are also the ones who are best equipped to tackle those problems, which might be why 15 percent Fortune 500 CEOs started in sales. Sales made realists out of them. They know what works, what doesn’t and they are competitive as hell. Those are the qualities you will need as an entrepreneur.

The Next Women | MEMBERSHIP

The Coaching Hours are part of our membership. We organize our Coaching Hours every month, except for July and August.

The Next Women builds formats to support the growth of female entrepreneurs -from startups to companies making millions. We provide entrepreneurs from around the world with access to capital, resources and networks, offering our community a support infrastructure critical for success.

Want to connect with our experts and community? Need access to knowledge, capital & network? Looking for other ambitious women to discuss the challenges your facing?

Sign up now at

Have any questions send them to

See you December 17!

Georganiseerd door

The Next Women is the community of female founders, professionals and investors. By making the right connections, capital and knowledge accessible, we aim to help businesses and/or careers a success.
